Knowing Christ

Believest thou
the scriptures?

They truly
testify of Christ.

Behold, I say unto you
that none of the prophets
have written, nor prophesied,
save they have spoken
concerning this Christ.

And this is not all—
it has been made
manifest unto me,
for I have heard and seen;
and it also has been
made manifest unto me
by the power of the Holy Ghost;
wherefore, I know
if there should be
no atonement made
all mankind must be lost.

Faith in Christ

I, Jacob,
had faith in Christ
who should come.

The good word of Christ

will ye reject these words?

Will ye reject the words
of the prophets;
and will ye reject
all the words
which have been spoken
concerning Christ,
after so many have spoken
concerning him;
and deny the good word of Christ,
and the power of God,
and the gift of the Holy Ghost,
and quench the Holy Spirit,
and make a mock of
the great plan of redemption,
which hath been laid for you?

Know ye not that
if ye will do these things,
that the power of the redemption
and the resurrection,
which is in Christ,
will bring you to stand
with shame and awful guilt
before the bar of God?

The atonement of Christ

be reconciled unto him
through the atonement of Christ,
his Only Begotten Son,
and ye may obtain a resurrection,
according to the power of
the resurrection which is in Christ,
and be presented as
the first-fruits of Christ unto God,
having faith, and obtained
a good hope of glory in him.

And now, beloved, marvel not
that I tell you these things;
for why not speak of
the atonement of Christ,
and attain to
a perfect knowledge of him?

They believed in Christ

For this intent have we
written these things,
that they may know
that we knew of Christ,
and we had
a hope of his glory
many hundred years
before his coming;
and not only we ourselves
had a hope of his glory,
but also all the holy prophets
which were before us.

they believed in Christ
and worshiped the Father
in his name, and also
we worship the Father
in his name.

Obtain hope in Christ

Ye have
a hope
in Christ.

We knew of Christ

And we also had many revelations,
and the spirit of much prophecy;
wherefore, we knew of Christ
and his kingdom, which should come.

Wherefore, we labored diligently
among our people,
that we might persuade them
to come unto Christ, and
partake of the goodness of God,
that they might enter into his rest.

Wherefore, we would to God
that all men would believe in Christ,
and view his death,
and suffer his cross
and bear the shame of the world.

These are the words of Christ

Hearken unto these words
and believe in Christ;
and if ye believe not
in these words
believe in Christ.

And if ye shall believe in Christ
ye will believe in these words,
for they are the words of Christ,
and he hath given them unto me;
and they teach all men
that they should do good.

And if they are not the words of Christ,
judge ye—
for Christ will show unto you,
with power and great glory,
that they are his words,
at the last day;
and you and I shall stand
face to face before his bar;
and ye shall know that
I have been commanded of him
to write these things,
notwithstanding my weakness.

And I pray the Father
in the name of Christ
that many of us, if not all,
may be saved in his kingdom
at that great and last day.

Hope in Christ

I have charity for my people,
and great faith in Christ
that I shall meet many souls
spotless at his judgment-seat.

I have charity for the Jew.

I also have charity for the Gentiles.

But behold,
for none of these
can I hope except they shall
be reconciled unto Christ.

Jesus redeems my soul

I glory in plainness;
I glory in truth;
I glory in my Jesus,
for he hath
redeemed my soul
from hell.

Pray in Christ's name

unto the Father
in the name of

Christ's words

Feast upon
the words of Christ;
for behold,
the words of Christ
will tell you all things
what ye should do.

The doctrine of Christ

Ye have not come thus far
save it were by the word of Christ
with unshaken faith in him,
relying wholly upon the merits
of him who is mighty to save.

Wherefore, ye must press forward
with a steadfastness in Christ,
having a perfect brightness of hope,
and a love of God and of all men.

Wherefore, if ye shall press forward,
feasting upon the word of Christ,
and endure to the end,
behold, thus saith the Father:
Ye shall have eternal life.

And now, behold this is the way;
and there is none other way
nor name given under heaven
whereby man can be saved
in the kingdom of God.

And now, behold,
this is the doctrine of Christ,
and the only and true doctrine
of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost,
which is one God, without end.

Follow Christ

And now,
I know by this that
unless a man shall
endure to the end,
in following the example
of the Son of the living God,
he cannot be saved.

Wherefore, do the things
which I have told you
I have seen
that your Lord
and your Redeemer
should do.

Take the name of Jesus Christ

I know that
if ye shall follow the Son,
with full purpose of heart,
acting no hypocrisy and
no deception before God,
but with real intent,
repenting of your sins,
witnessing unto the Father
that ye are willing
to take upon you
the name of Christ,
by baptism—yea,
by following your Lord
and your Savior
down into the water,
according to his word,
then shall ye receive
the Holy Ghost.

Be baptized in the name of Jesus

And he said unto
the children of men:
Follow thou me.

my beloved brethren,
can we follow Jesus
save we shall be willing to
keep the commandments
of the Father?

And the Father said:
Repent ye, repent ye,
and be baptized
in the name of
my Beloved Son.

And also, the voice of the Son
came unto me, saying:
He that is baptized
in my name,
to him will the Father
give the Holy Ghost,
like unto me;
wherefore, follow me,
and do the things
which ye have seen me do.

All righteousness in Christ

And now,
if the Lamb of God,
he being holy,
should have need
to be baptized by water,
to fulfil all righteousness,
O then, how much more
need have we,
being unholy,
to be baptized,
yea, even by water!

And now,
I would ask of you,
my beloved brethren,
wherein the Lamb of God
did fulfil all righteousness
in being baptized by water?

Know ye not
that he was holy?

But notwithstanding
he being holy,
he showeth unto
the children of men
that according to the flesh
he humbleth himself
before the Father,
and witnesseth
unto the Father
that he would
be obedient unto him
in keeping
his commandments.

Knowledge of Jesus Christ

And the gospel of Jesus Christ
shall be declared among them;
wherefore, they shall be restored
unto the knowledge of their fathers,
and also to the knowledge of Jesus Christ,
which was had among their fathers.

And then shall they rejoice;
for they shall know that
it is a blessing unto them
from the hand of God;
and their scales of darkness
shall begin to fall from their eyes;
and many generations
shall not pass away among them,
save they shall be a pure
and a delightsome people.

And as many as shall
believe in Christ
shall also become
a delightsome people.

Humbly follow Jesus Christ

They have all
gone astray
save it be a few,
who are
the humble
followers of Christ.

Jesus is the very Christ

And as I spake concerning
the convincing of the Jews,
that Jesus is the very Christ,
it must needs be that
the Gentiles be convinced also
that Jesus is the Christ,
the Eternal God;
and that he manifesteth himself
unto all those who believe in him,
by the power of the Holy Ghost;
yea, unto every nation,
kindred, tongue, and people,
working mighty miracles,
signs, and wonders,
among the children of men
according to their faith.

Look forward to Christ

Behold, the righteous
that hearken unto
the words of the prophets,
and destroy them not,
but look forward
unto Christ with steadfastness
for the signs which are given,
notwithstanding all persecution—
behold, they are they
which shall not perish.

But the Son of righteousness
shall appear unto them;
and he shall heal them,
and they shall
have peace with him.

Christ shall come

And after
the Messiah shall come
there shall be signs
given unto my people
of his birth, and
also of his death
and resurrection.

Christ's word

And after Christ shall have
risen from the dead
he shall show himself unto you,
and the words
which he shall speak unto you
shall be the law which ye shall do.

Believe in Jesus Christ

And now behold,
I have spoken
plainly unto you,
that ye cannot

And the words
which I have spoken
shall stand
as a testimony
against you;
for they are sufficient
to teach any man
the right way;
for the right way
is to believe in Christ
and deny him not;
for by denying him
ye also deny
the prophets.

And now behold,
I say unto you
that the right way
is to believe in Christ,
and deny him not;
and Christ is
the Holy One of Israel;
ye must bow down
before him, and
worship him
with all your might,
mind, and strength,
and your whole soul;
and if ye do this
ye shall in nowise
be cast out.

We are made alive in Christ

We labor diligently to write,
to persuade our children,
and also our brethren,
to believe in Christ,
and to be reconciled to God;
for we know thatit is by grace
that we are saved,
after all we can do.

And we look forward
with steadfastness unto Christ,
for we are made alive in Christ
because of our faith.

And we talk of Christ,
we rejoice in Christ,
we preach of Christ,
we prophesy of Christ,
and we write
according to our prophecies,
that our children may know
to what source they may look
for a remission of their sins,
and that our children may
look forward unto that life
which is in Christ.

Only through Jesus Christ

Yea, behold
I say unto you,
that as these things
are true, and
as the Lord God liveth,
there is none other name
given under heaven
save it be this Jesus Christ,
of which I have spoken,
whereby man can be saved.

Jesus is the Messiah

he shall bring forth
his words unto them,
which words
shall judge them
at the last day,
for they shall be given them
for the purpose of
convincing them
of the true Messiah,
who was rejected by them;
and unto the convincing of them
that there is save one Messiah
spoken of by the prophets,
and that Messiah is he
who should be rejected.

For according to
the words of the prophets,
the Messiah cometh,
and according to
the words of the prophets,
and also the word of
the angel of God,
his name shall be
Jesus Christ,
the Son of God.

Jesus is the Christ

When the day cometh
that the Only Begotten
of the Father,
yea, even the Father
of heaven and of earth,
shall manifest himself
unto them in the flesh,
behold, they will reject him,
because of their iniquities,
and the hardness
of their hearts,
and the stiffness
of their necks.

Behold, they will crucify him;
and after he is laid
in a sepulchre
for the space of three days
he shall rise from the dead,
with healing in his wings;
and all those who
shall believe on his name
shall be saved
in the kingdom of God.

Wherefore, my soul delighteth
to prophesy concerning him,
for I have seen his day,
and my heart doth magnify
his holy name.

And behold
it shall come to pass
that after the Messiah
hath risen from the dead,
and hath manifested himself
unto his people,
unto as many as will
believe on his name,
behold, wo unto them
that fight against God
and the people of his church.

My soul delights in Christ

And now I write more
of the words of Isaiah,
for my soul delighteth
in his words.

For I will send them forth
unto all my children, for
he verily saw my Redeemer,
even as I have seen him.

And my brother also has
seen him as I have seen him;
wherefore, I will send
their words forth
unto my children
to prove unto them
that my words are true.

by the words of three,
God hath said,
I will establish my word.

God sendeth more witnesses,
and he proveth all his words.

Behold, my soul delighteth
in proving unto my people
the truth of the coming of Christ;
for all things which have been
given of God from the beginning
of the world, unto man,
are the typifying of him.

Yea, my soul delighteth
in his grace, and in his justice,
and power, and mercy
in the great and eternal plan
of deliverance from death.

And my soul delighteth
in proving unto my people
that save Christ should come
all men must perish.

For if there be no Christ
there be no God;
and if there be no God
we are not,
for there could have been
no creation.

But there is a God,
and he is Christ,
and he cometh
in the fulness of
his own time.

Grace through Christ's atonement

Reconcile yourselves
to the will of God,
and remember,
after ye are
reconciled unto God,
that it is only in and
through the grace of God
that ye are saved.

may God raise you from death
by the power of the resurrection,
and also from everlasting death
by the power of the atonement,
that ye may be received
into the eternal kingdom of God,
that ye may praise him
through grace divine.

Restored through Christ

It must needs be expedient
that Christ should come
among the Jews,
and they shall crucify him,
for thus it behooveth our God.

But behold,thus saith the Lord God:
When the day cometh that
they shall believe in me,
that I am Christ,
then have I covenanted
with their fathers
that they shall be restored
in the flesh, upon the earth,
unto the lands of their inheritance.

Christ is our only rock

O, give ear to my words.

Remember the greatness of
the Holy One of Israel.

O then, come unto
the Lord, the Holy One.

Remember that
his paths are righteous.

Behold, the way for man
is narrow, but it lieth in
a straight course before him,
and the keeper of the gate is
the Holy One of Israel;
and he employeth
no servant there;
and there is none other way
save it be by the gate;
for he cannot be deceived,
for the Lord God is his name.

And whoso knocketh,
to him will he open.

O, come unto that God
who is the rock of your salvation.

Christ delivers us

O the greatness of
the mercy of our God,
the Holy One of Israel!

For he delivereth his saints from
that awful monster the devil,
and death, and hell, and that
lake of fire and brimstone,
which is endless torment.

And he cometh into the world
that he may save all men
if they will hearken
unto his voice;
for behold, he suffereth
the pains of all men,
yea, the pains of
every living creature,
both men, women,
and children, who belong
to the family of Adam.

And he suffereth this
that the resurrection
might pass upon all men,
that all might stand before him
at the great and judgment day.

And he commandeth all men
that they must repent,
and be baptized in his name,
having perfect faith
in the Holy One of Israel,
or they cannot be saved
in the kingdom of God.

And if they will not repent
and believe in his name,
and be baptized in his name,
and endure to the end,
they must be damned;
for the Lord God,
the Holy One of Israel,
has spoken it.

Christ's infinite atonement

Yea, I know that ye know
that in the body
he shall show himself,
for it behooveth
the great Creator
that he suffereth himself
to become subject
unto man in the flesh,
and die for all men,
that all men might
become subject unto him.

For as death hath
passed upon all men,
to fulfil the merciful plan
of the great Creator,
there must needs be
a power of resurrection.

Wherefore, it must needs be
an infinite atonement.

And because of the way
of deliverance of our God,
the Holy One of Israel,
this death which is the temporal,
shall deliver up its dead;
which death is the grave.

And this death
of which I have spoken,
which is the spiritual death,
shall deliver up its dead;
which spiritual death is hell.

Wherefore, death and hell
must deliver up their dead,
and hell must deliver up
its captive spirits,
and the grave must deliver up
its captive bodies,
and the bodies
and the spirits of men
will be restored
one to the other;
and it is by the power
of the resurrection of
the Holy One of Israel.

All shall know the Savior

And all flesh shall know
that I the Lord am
thy Savior
and thy Redeemer,
the Mighty One of Jacob.

Believe in Christ

And behold, according to
the words of the prophet,
the Messiah will
set himself again
the second time
to recover them;
he will manifest himself
unto them in power
and great glory,
unto the destruction
of their enemies,
when that day cometh
when they shall
believe in him;
and none will he destroy
that believe in him.

And they that
believe not in him
shall be destroyed.

And they shall know
that the Lord is God,
the Holy One of Israel.

Our merciful Lord

The Lord will be merciful unto them,
that when they shall come
to the knowledge of their Redeemer,
they shall be gathered together again.

Freedom through Christ

And the Messiah cometh
in the fulness of time,
that he may redeem
the children of men
from the fall.

And because that they are
redeemed from the fall
they have become free forever.

And they are free to choose
liberty and eternal life,
through the great
Mediator of all men,
or to choose captivity and death,
according to the captivity
and power of the devil.

And now I would that
ye should look
to the great Mediator,
and hearken unto
his great commandments;
and be faithful unto his words,
and choose eternal life,
according to the will of
his Holy Spirit

Redemption is only in Christ

I know that thou art redeemed,
because of the righteousness
of thy Redeemer;
for thou hast beheld that
in the fulness of time he cometh
to bring salvation unto men.

And thou hast beheld
in thy youth his glory;
wherefore, thou art blessed
even as they unto whom
he shall minister in the flesh;
for the Spirit is the same,
yesterday, today, and forever.

And the way is prepared
from the fall of man,
and salvation is free.

Wherefore, redemption cometh
in and through the Holy Messiah;
for he is full of grace and truth.

Behold, he offereth himself
a sacrifice for sin, to answer
the ends of the law, unto all those
who have a broken heart
and a contrite spirit.

Wherefore, how great the importance
to make these things known
unto the inhabitants of the earth,
that they may know that
there is no flesh that can
dwell in the presence of God,
save it be through
the merits, and mercy, and grace
of the Holy Messiah,
who layeth down his life
according to the flesh,
and taketh it again
by the power of the Spirit,
that he may bring to pass
the resurrection of the dead,
being the first that should rise.

Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God,
inasmuch as he shall make intercession
for all the children of men; and
they that believe in him shall be saved.

And because of the intercession for all,
all men come unto God;
wherefore, they stand
in the presence of him,
to be judged of him according to
the truth and holiness which is in him.

Reject not the true Redeemer

Behold, I say,
if the day shall come
that they will reject
the Holy One of Israel,
the true Messiah,
their Redeemer
and their God,
the judgments of
him that is just
shall rest upon them.

Christ is the Holy One

They shall be brought out of obscurity
and out of darkness;
and they shall know that the Lord
is their Savior and their Redeemer,
the Mighty One of Israel.

And the Lord will surely
prepare a way for his people,
unto the fulfilling of the words of Moses,
which he spake, saying:
A prophet shall the Lord your God
raise up unto you, like unto me;
him shall ye hear in all things
whatsoever he shall say unto you.

And it shall come to pass that
all those who will not hear that prophet
shall be cut off from among the people.

And now I declare unto you, that
this prophet of whom Moses spake
was the Holy One of Israel;
wherefore, he shall execute
judgment in righteousness.

And the time cometh speedily that
the righteous must be led up
as calves of the stall,
and the Holy One of Israel
must reign in dominion, and might,
and power, and great glory.

And he gathereth his children
from the four quarters of the earth;
and he numbereth his sheep,
and they know him; and there shall be
one fold and one shepherd;
and he shall feed his sheep,
and in him they shall find pasture
for they dwell in righteousness,
and the Holy One of Israel reigneth.

Christ's love

And behold he cometh,
according to
the words of the angel.

And the world,
because of their iniquity,
shall judge him to be
a thing of naught.

Wherefore they scourge him,
and he suffereth it;
and they smite him,
and he suffereth it;
yea, they spit upon him,
and he suffereth it,
because of his loving kindness
and his long-suffering
towards the children of men.

And the God of our fathers
yieldeth himself,
according to
the words of the angel,
as a man, into the hands
of wicked men, to be lifted up,
and to be crucified,
and to be buried in a sepulchre.

Yea, and all the earth shall see
the salvation of the Lord,
and every nation, kindred,
tongue and people
shall be blessed.

The church of the Lamb of God

And it came to pass
that I beheld
the power of the Lamb of God,
that it descended upon
the saints of
the church of the Lamb,
and upon
the covenant people of the Lord,
who were scattered upon
all the face of the earth;
and they were armed
with righteousness and with
the power of God in great glory.

Hearken to the Lamb of God

And it shall come to pass,
that if the Gentiles shall
unto the Lamb of God
in that day that
he shall manifest himself
unto them in word,
and also in power,
in very deed,
unto the taking away of
their stumbling blocks—
and harden not their hearts
against the Lamb of God,
they shall be a blessed people.

They shall be
no more brought down
into captivity.

The Savior of the world

Make known
to all kindreds,
tongues, and people,
that the Lamb of God
is the Son of
the Eternal Father,
and the Savior of the world;
and that all men
must come unto him,
or they cannot be saved.

And the time cometh
that he shall manifest himself
unto all nations.

Because of faith in the Lamb

And I saw the heavens open,
and the Lamb of God
descending out of heaven;
and he came down
and showed himself unto them.

And, behold,
they are righteous forever;
for because of their faith
in the Lamb of God
their garments are made white
in his blood.

The Son of God

And I looked, and
I beheld the Son of God
going forth among
the children of men;
and I saw many
fall down at his feet
and worship him.

And the angel
said unto me again:
Look and behold
the condescension of God!

And I looked and beheld
the Redeemer of the world,
of whom my father had spoken;
and I also beheld the prophet
who should prepare
the way before him.

And the Lamb of God went forth
and was baptized of him;
and after he was baptized,
I beheld the heavens open,
and the Holy Ghost come down
out of heaven and abide upon him
in the form of a dove.

And I beheld that he went forth
ministering unto the people,
in power and great glory;
and the multitudes were
gathered togetherto hear him;
and I beheld that they
cast him out from among them.

And I beheld the Lamb of God
going forth among
the children of men.

And I beheld multitudes of
people who were sick,
and who were afflicted with
all manner of diseases, and
with devils and unclean spirits;
and the angel spake and
showed all these things unto me.

And they were healed
by the power of
the Lamb of God;
and the devils and
the unclean spirits
were cast out.

And I looked and beheld
the Lamb of God,
that he was taken by the people;
yea, the Son of the everlasting God
was judged of the world;
and I saw and bear record.

And I saw that he was lifted up
upon the cross and slain
for the sins of the world.

Behold the Lamb of God

And I beheld
the city of Nazareth; and
in the city of Nazareth
I beheld a virgin, and
she was exceedingly
fair and white.

And it came to pass that
I saw the heavens open;
and an angel came down
and stood before me;
and he said unto me
what beholdest thou?

And I said unto him:
A virgin, most beautiful
and fair above all
other virgins.

And he said unto me:
Knowest thou
the condescension of God?

And I said unto him:
I know that he
loveth his children;
I do not know
the meaning of all things.

And he said unto me:
Behold, the virgin
whom thou seest
is the mother of
the Son of God,
after the manner
of the flesh.

And it came to pass
that I beheld that she was
carried away in the Spirit;
and after she had been
carried away in the Spirit
for the space of a time
the angel spake unto me,
saying: Look!

And I looked and
beheld the virgin again,
bearing a child in her arms.

And the angel said unto me:
Behold the Lamb of God,
yea, even the Son
of the Eternal Father!

Bear witness of Christ

And blessed art thou
because thou believest in
the Son of the most high God.

And him shall ye witness;
and after ye have witnessed him
ye shall bear record that
it is the Son of God.

The true Messiah -- Savior & Redeemer

My father spake unto them
concerning a prophet
would the Lord God
raise up among the Jews—
even a Messiah,
or, in other words,
a Savior of the world.

And he also spake
concerning the prophets,
how great a number
had testified of these things,
concerning this Messiah,
of whom he had spoken,
or this Redeemer of the world.

Wherefore, all mankind
were in a lost and
in a fallen state,
and ever would be
save they should
rely on this Redeemer.

And he spake also
concerning a prophet
who should come
before the Messiah,
to prepare the way of the Lord—
Yea, even he should go forth
and cry in the wilderness:
Prepare ye the way of the Lord,
and make his paths straight;
for there standeth one among you
whom ye know not;
and he is mightier than I,
whose shoe’s latchet
I am not worthy to unloose.

And my father said
he should baptize
in Bethabara, beyond Jordan;
and he also said
he should baptize with water;
even that he should
baptize the Messiah with water.

And after he had baptized
the Messiah with water,
he should behold
and bear record
that he had baptized
the Lamb of God,
who should take away
the sins of the world.

And it came to pass
after my father had
spoken these words
he spake unto my brethren
concerning the gospel
which should be preached.

And after they had
slain the Messiah,
who should come,
and after he had been slain
he should rise from the dead,
and should make himself
manifest unto the Gentiles.

And after the house of Israel
should be scattered
they should be
gathered together again;
or, in fine come to
the knowledge of the true Messiah,
their Lord and their Redeemer.

Christ is The One

And it came to pass
that he saw One
descending out of
the midst of heaven,
and he beheld
that his luster
was above
that of the sun
at noon-day.

Christ, Our Righteous Judge

And now
I bid unto all,

I soon go to rest
in the paradise of God,
until my spirit and body
shall again reunite,
and I am brought forth
triumphant through the air,
to meet you before
the pleasing bar of
the great Jehovah,
the Eternal Judge
of both quick and dead.


Come unto Christ

And again I would exhort you
that ye would come unto Christ,
and lay hold upon every good gift.

Yea, come unto Christ,
and be perfected in him,
and deny yourselves
of all ungodliness;
and if ye shall deny yourselves
of all ungodliness, and
love God with all your might,
mind and strength,
then is his grace sufficient for you,
that by his grace
ye may be perfect in Christ;
and if by the grace of God
ye are perfect in Christ,
ye can in nowise deny
the power of God.

And again,
if ye by the grace of God
are perfect in Christ,
and deny not his power,
then are ye sanctified in Christ
by the grace of God,
through the shedding
of the blood of Christ,
which is in the covenant
of the Father unto
the remission of your sins,
that ye become holy,
without spot.

The words of Christ

Christ truly said
unto our fathers:

If ye have faith
ye can do all things
which are expedient
unto me.

And I speak it
according to
the words of Christ;
and I lie not.

All that is good is of Christ

All gifts come by
the Spirit of Christ,
and remember
that every good gift
cometh of Christ.

Ye may know Christ

Nothing that is good
denieth the Christ,
but acknowledgeth
that he is.

And ye may know
that he is,
by the power
of the Holy Ghost.

Ask God in the name of Christ

More than
four hundred and twenty years
have passed away
since the sign was given
of the coming of Christ.

And I seal up these records,
after I have spoken
a few words by way of
exhortation unto you.

Behold, I would exhort you
that when ye shall
read these things,
if it be wisdom in God
that ye should read them,
that ye would remember
how merciful the Lord
hath been unto
the children of men,
from the creation of Adam
even down until the time
that ye shall
receive these things,
and ponder it
in your hearts.

And when ye shall
receive these things,
I would exhort you
that ye would ask God,
the Eternal Father,
in the name of Christ,
if these things are not true;
and if ye shall ask
with a sincere heart,
with real intent,
having faith in Christ,
he will manifest
the truth of it unto you,
by the power of
the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of
the Holy Ghost
ye may know
the truth of all things.

May Christ lift you up

I recommend thee
unto God, and
I trust in Christ
that thou
wilt be saved.

Be faithful in Christ;
and may Christ
lift thee up,
and may his
sufferings and death,
and the showing his body
unto our fathers,
and his mercy
and long-suffering,
and the hope of his glory
and of eternal life,
rest in your mind forever.

And may the grace
of God the Father,
whose throne is
high in the heavens,
and our Lord Jesus Christ,
who sitteth on
the right hand
of his power,
until all things
shall become
subject unto him,
be, and abide
with you forever.

The Mercies of Christ

Little children
are alive in Christ.

And he that saith that
little children need baptism
denieth the mercies of Christ,
and setteth at naught
the atonement of him and
the power of his redemption.

For behold that
all little children
are alive in Christ.

Our Redeemer, Lord and God

Listen to
the words of Christ,
your Redeemer,
your Lord and
your God.

Goodness and grace in Christ

I rejoice exceedingly
that your Lord Jesus Christ
hath been mindful of you,
and am mindful of you
always in my prayers,
continually praying
unto God the Father
in the name of
his Holy Child, Jesus, that
he, through his infinite
goodness and grace,
will keep you through
the endurance of faith
on his name to the end.

Hope in Christ

What is it that
ye shall hope for?

I say unto you that
ye shall have hope through
the atonement of Christ and
the power of his resurrection,
to be raised unto life eternal,
and this because of
your faith in him
according to the promise.

True followers of Christ

I judge that ye
have faith in Christ
because of your meekness.

And if a man be meek
and lowly in heart,
and confesses
by the power of
the Holy Ghost
that Jesus is the Christ,
he must needs
have charity; for
if he have not charity
he is nothing.

pray unto the Father
with all the energy of heart,
that ye may be filled
with this love, which
he hath bestowed upon
all who are true followers
of his Son, Jesus Christ;
that ye may become
the sons of God;
that when he shall appear
we shall be like him, for
we shall see him as he is;
that we may have this hope;
that we may be purified
even as he is pure.

Only through faith in Christ

Christ hath said:
If ye will have faith in me
ye shall have power
to do whatsoever thing
is expedient in me.

And he hath said: Repent
all ye ends of the earth,
and come unto me, and
be baptized in my name,
and have faith in me,
that ye may be saved.

For no man
can be saved,
according to
the words of Christ,
save they shall
have faith in his name.

That we may have faith in Christ

Angels minister
unto the children of men
by declaring
the word of Christ
unto the chosen
vessels of the Lord,
that they may
bear testimony of him.

And by so doing,
the Lord God prepareth
the way that
the residue of men
may have faith in Christ.

Miracles through Christ

And as surely as Christ liveth
he spake these words
unto our fathers, saying:

Whatsoever thing ye shall
ask the Father in my name,
which is good,
in faith believing that
ye shall receive,
it shall be done unto you.

have miracles ceased
because Christ hath
ascended into heaven,
and hath sat down
on the right hand of God,
to claim of the Father
his rights of mercy
which he hath upon
the children of men?

Every good thing through Christ

God knowing all things, being
from everlasting to everlasting,
behold, he sent angels to minister
unto the children of men,
to make manifest concerning
the coming of Christ;
and in Christ there should come
every good thing.

And God also declared
unto prophets,
by his own mouth,
that Christ should come.

And behold,
there were divers ways
that he did manifest things
unto the children of men,
which were good; and
all things which are good
cometh of Christ;
otherwise men were fallen,
and there could no good thing
come unto them.

by the ministering of angels,
and by every word
which proceeded forth
out of the mouth of God,
men began to
exercise faith in Christ;
and thus by faith, they did
lay hold upon every good thing;
and thus it was until
the coming of Christ.

And after that he came
men also were saved
by faith in his name;
and by faith,
they become the sons of God.

For he hath answered
the ends of the law,
and he claimeth all those
who have faith in him;
and they who have faith in him
will cleave unto every good thing;
wherefore he advocateth
the cause of the children of men;
and he dwelleth
eternally in the heavens.

The light of Christ

the Spirit of Christ
is given to every man,
that he may know
good from evil;
I show unto you
the way to judge;
for every thing which
inviteth to do good,
and to persuade to
believe in Christ,
is sent forth by the
power and gift of Christ;
wherefore ye may know
with a perfect knowledge
it is of God.

But whatsoever thing
persuadeth men to do evil,
and believe not in Christ,
and deny him,
and serve not God,
then ye may know
with a perfect knowledge
it is of the devil.

And now, my brethren,
seeing that ye know the light
by which ye may judge,
which light is the light of Christ
wherefore, I beseech of you,
that ye should search diligently
in the light of Christ
that ye may know good from evil;
and if ye will lay hold upon
every good thing,
and condemn it not,
ye certainly will be
a child of Christ.

Follow Christ

a man being a
servant of the devil
cannot follow Christ;
and if he follow Christ
he cannot be
a servant of the devil.

In the grace of Christ

And it is by the grace
of God the Father, and
our Lord Jesus Christ,
and his holy will,
because of the gift of
his calling unto me,
that I am permitted
to speak unto you
at this time.

I would speak unto you
that are of the church,
that are the peaceable
followers of Christ,
and that have obtained
a sufficient hope
by which ye can enter
into the rest of the Lord,
from this time henceforth
until ye shall rest
with him in heaven.

The church of Christ

And none were received
unto baptism save they
took upon them
the name of Christ,
having a determination
to serve him to the end.

And after they had been
received unto baptism,
and were wrought upon
and cleansed by
the power of the Holy Ghost,
they were numbered
among the people of
the church of Christ;
and their names were taken,
that they might be
remembered and nourished
by the good word of God,
to keep them in the right way,
to keep them continually
watchful unto prayer,
relying alone upon
the merits of Christ,
who was the author
and the finisher of their faith.

And the church did
meet together oft,
to fast and to pray,
and to speak one with another
concerning the welfare of their souls.

And they did meet together oft
to partake of bread and wine,
in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.

In remembrance of Jesus

The manner of administering the wine—
Behold, they took the cup, and said:

O God, the Eternal Father,
we ask thee, in the name of
thy Son, Jesus Christ,
to bless and sanctify this wine
to the souls of all those who drink of it,
that they may do it in remembrance
of the blood of thy Son,
which was shed for them;
that they may witness unto thee,
O God, the Eternal Father,
that they do always remember him,
that they may have
his Spirit to be with them.

Always remember Jesus

The manner of their elders and priests
administering the flesh and blood of Christ
unto the church; and
they administered it according to
the commandments of Christ;
wherefore we know the manner to be true;
and the elder or priest did minister it—
And they did kneel down with the church,
and pray to the Father in the name of Christ,

O God, the Eternal Father,
we ask thee in the name of
thy Son, Jesus Christ,
to bless and sanctify this bread
to the souls of all those
who partake of it;
that they may eat
in remembrance of
the body of thy Son,
and witness unto thee,
O God, the Eternal Father,
that they are willing
to take upon them
the name of thy Son,
and always remember him,
and keep his commandments
which he hath given them,
that they may always
have his Spirit to be with them.

In the name of Jesus Christ

The manner which the disciples,
who were called
the elders of the church,
ordained priests and teachers—

After they had prayed
unto the Father
in the name of Christ,
they laid their hands
upon them, and said:

In the name of Jesus Christ
I ordain you to be a priest,
(or, if he be a teacher)
I ordain you to be a teacher,
to preach repentance
and remission of sins
through Jesus Christ,
by the endurance of
faith on his name to the end.


Authorized by Christ

The words of Christ,
which he spake
unto his disciples,
the twelve whom
he had chosen,
as he laid his
hands upon them—

And he called them
by name, saying:
Ye shall call on the Father
in my name,
in mighty prayer;
and after ye have done this
ye shall have power that
to him upon whom
ye shall lay your hands,
ye shall give the Holy Ghost;
and in my name
shall ye give it, for
thus do mine apostles.

Now Christ spake
these words unto them
at the time of his first appearing;
and the multitude heard it not,
but the disciples heard it;
and on as many as
they laid their hands,
fell the Holy Ghost.

I will not deny Christ

Because of their hatred
they put to death everyone
that will not deny the Christ.

And I will not deny the Christ;
wherefore, I wander
whithersoever I can
for the safety of mine own life.

They knew the Christ

Ether saw
the days of Christ.

Seek Jesus

We shall meet before
the judgment-seat of Christ,
where all men shall know
that my garments are
not spotted with your blood.

And then shall ye know
that I have seen Jesus,
and that he hath talked
with me face to face,
and that he told me
in plain humility,
even as a man telleth another
in mine own language,
concerning these things;
and only a few have I written,
because of my weakness in writing.

And now, I would commend you
to seek this Jesus
of whom the prophets and
apostles have written,
that the grace of God the Father,
and also the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Ghost,
which beareth record of them,
may be and abide in you forever.

The pure love of Christ

And I was comforted, and said:
O Lord, thy righteous will be done,
for I know that thou workest
unto the children of men
according to their faith.

I also remember
that thou hast said that
thou hast prepared
a house for man, yea, even
among the mansions of thy Father,
in which man might have
a more excellent hope;
wherefore man must hope,
or he cannot receive an inheritance
in the place which thou hast prepared.

And again, I remember
that thou hast said that
thou hast loved the world,
even unto the laying down
of thy life for the world,
that thou mightest take it again
to prepare a place
for the children of men.

And now I know that this love
which thou hast had for
the children of men is charity.

Through faith in Christ

And neither at any time
hath any wrought miracles
until after their faith;
wherefore they first
believed in the Son of God.

God's Son

In the gift of his Son
hath God prepared
a more excellent way.

Faith in Jesus Christ

It was by faith that
Christ showed himself
unto our fathers, after
he had risen from the dead;
and he showed not himself
unto them until after
they had faith in him;
wherefore, it must needs be
that some had faith in him,
for he showed himself
not unto the world.

But because of the faith of men
he has shown himself unto the world,
and glorified the name of the Father,
and prepared a way that thereby
others might be partakers
of the heavenly gift, that they might
hope for those things
which they have not seen.

Wherefore, ye may also have hope,
and be partakers of the gift,
if ye will but have faith.

Come to the Father through Christ

And this work,
in the which shall
be shown forth
the power of God
and also his word,
of which the Father,
and the Son,
and the Holy Ghost
bear record—
and all this shall stand
as a testimony
against the world
at the last day.

And if it so be
that they repent and
come unto the Father
in the name of Jesus,
they shall be received
into the kingdom of God.

Thus saith Christ

And in that day that they shall
exercise faith in me, saith the Lord
that they may become
sanctified in me, then will I
manifest unto them all my revelations,
saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
the Father of the heavens
and of the earth, and
all things that in them are.

And he that will contend
against the word of the Lord,
let him be accursed; and
he that shall deny these things,
let him be accursed;
for unto them will I show
no greater things,
saith Jesus Christ;
for I am he who speaketh.

And he that believeth not my words
believeth not my disciples;
and if it so be that I do not speak,
judge ye; for ye shall know that
it is I that speaketh, at the last day.

But he that believeth
these things which I have spoken,
him will I visit with the
manifestations of my Spirit,
and he shall know and bear record.

For because of my Spirit he shall know
that these things are true;
for it persuadeth men to do good.

And whatsoever thing
persuadeth men to do good is of me;
for good cometh of none save it be of me.

I am the same that
leadeth men to all good;
he that will not believe my words
will not believe me—that I am;
and he that will not believe me
will not believe the Father who sent me.

For behold, I am the Father,
I am the light, and the life,
and the truth of the world.

Come unto me, O ye Gentiles,
and I will show unto you
the greater things.

Therefore, repent
all ye ends of the earth,
and come unto me,
and believe in my gospel,
and be baptized in my name;
for he that believeth and
is baptized shall be saved;
but he that believeth not
shall be damned;
and signs shall follow them
that believe in my name.

And blessed is he
that is found faithful
unto my name at the last day,
for he shall be lifted up
to dwell in the kingdom
prepared for him from
the foundation of the world.

And behold it is
I that hath spoken it.

Nothing Doubting

And now Jesus showed himself
unto this man in the spirit,
And he ministered unto him
that this man might
know that he was God,
because of the many
great works which the Lord
had showed unto him.

And because of
the knowledge of this man
he could not be kept from
beholding within the veil;
and he saw Jesus and
he had faith no longer,
for he knew, nothing doubting.

Wherefore, having this
perfect knowledge of God,
he could not be kept
from within the veil;
therefore he saw Jesus;
and he did minister unto him.

And the Lord commanded
the brother of Jared
to go down out of the mount
from the presence of the Lord,
and write the things
which he had seen;
and they were forbidden
to come unto
the children of men
until after that he should
be lifted up upon the cross
that they should not
come unto the world
until after Christ should
show himself unto his people.

And after Christ truly had
showed himself unto his people
he commanded that
they should be made manifest.

He is Jesus Christ

And the Lord said unto him:
Because of thy faith thou hast seen that
I shall take upon me flesh and blood;
and never has man come before me
with such exceeding faith as thou hast.

And the Lord said unto him:
Believest thou the words
which I shall speak?

And he answered: Yea, Lord,
I know that thou speakest the truth,
for thou art a God of truth, and canst not lie.

And when he had said these words,
behold, the Lord showed himself unto him,
and said: Because thou knowest these things
ye are redeemed from the fall; therefore
ye are brought back into my presence;
therefore I show myself unto you.

Behold, I am he
who was prepared from
the foundation of the world
to redeem my people.

Behold, I am Jesus Christ.

I am the Father and the Son.

In me shall all mankind have life,
and that eternally, even they
who shall believe on my name;
and they shall become
my sons and my daughters.

And never have I showed myself unto
man whom I have created, for never
has man believed in me as thou hast.

Seest thou that ye are created
after mine own image?

Yea, even all men were created
in the beginning after mine own image.

Behold, this body,
which ye now behold,
is the body of my spirit;
and man have I created
after the body of my spirit;
and even as I appear unto thee
to be in the spirit will I appear
unto my people in the flesh.

Through faith on Christ

And behold, these things
which we have desired
concerning our brethren,
yea, even their restoration
to the knowledge of Christ,
are according to the prayers
of all the saints
who have dwelt in the land.

And may the Lord Jesus Christ
grant that their prayers
may be answered
according to their faith;
and may God the Father
remember the covenant
which he hath made
with the house of Israel;
and may he bless them forever,
through faith on
the name of Jesus Christ.

In the name of Christ

See that ye are
not baptized unworthily;
see that ye partake not of
the sacrament of Christ unworthily;
but see that ye
do all things in worthiness, and
do it in the name of Jesus Christ,
the Son of the living God;
and if ye do this,
and endure to the end,
ye will in nowise be cast out.

Despise not the Christ

And now, behold,
who can stand against
the works of the Lord?

Who can deny his sayings?

Who will rise up against
the almighty power of the Lord?

Who will despise
the works of the Lord?

Who will despise
the children of Christ?

Behold, all ye who are despisers
of the works of the Lord,
for ye shall wonder and perish.

O then despise not,
and wonder not,
but hearken
unto the words of the Lord.

Ask the Father
in the name of Jesus
for what things soever
ye shall stand in need.

Doubt not, but be believing,
and begin as in times of old,
and come unto the Lord
with all your heart, and
work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling before him.

This promise in Christ

Behold, I say unto you that
whoso believeth in Christ,
doubting nothing,
whatsoever he shall
ask the Father
in the name of Christ
it shall be granted him;
and this promise is unto all,
even unto the ends of the earth.

For behold, thus said
Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
unto his disciples:
Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel
to every creature;
And he that believeth and
is baptized shall be saved,
but he that believeth not
shall be damned.

And whosoever shall
believe in my name,
doubting nothing,
unto him will I confirm
all my words, even
unto the ends of the earth.

Christ - A God of miracles

are not the things
that God hath wrought
marvelous in our eyes?

And who shall say
that Jesus Christ
did not do
many mighty miracles?

Redemption through Christ alone

By Adam came the fall of man.

And because of the fall of man
came Jesus Christ,
even the Father and the Son;
and because of Jesus Christ
came the redemption of man.

And because of
the redemption of man,
which came by Jesus Christ,
they are brought back into
the presence of the Lord;
yea, this is wherein
all men are redeemed,
because the death of Christ
bringeth to pass the resurrection,
which bringeth to pass
a redemption from an endless sleep,
from which sleep all men shall be
awakened by the power of God
when the trump shall sound;
and they shall come forth,
both small and great, and
all shall stand before his bar,
being redeemed and loosed
from this eternal band of death,
which death is a temporal death.

And then cometh the judgment
of the Holy One upon them;
and then cometh the time
that he that is filthy
shall be filthy still;
and he that is righteous
shall be righteous still;
he that is happy
shall be happy still;
and he that is unhappy
shall be unhappy still.

The gifts of Christ

And again I speak unto you
who deny the revelations of God,
and say that they are done away,
that there are no revelations,
nor prophecies, nor gifts,
nor healing, nor speaking with tongues,
and the interpretation of tongues;
Behold I say unto you,
he that denieth these things
knoweth not the gospel of Christ;
yea, he has not read the scriptures;
if so, he does not understand them.

For do we not read that God is the same
yesterday, today, and forever,
and in him there is no variableness
neither shadow of changing?

Can ye behold the Lamb of God?

And now, I speak also
concerning those who
do not believe in Christ.

Behold, will ye believe
in the day of your visitation—
when the Lord shall come,
yea, even that great day
when the earth shall be
rolled together as a scroll,
and the elements shall melt
with fervent heat, yea,
in that great day when
ye shall be brought to stand
before the Lamb of God—
then will ye say
that there is no God?

Then will ye longer
deny the Christ,
or can ye behold
the Lamb of God?

Do ye suppose that
ye shall dwell with him
under a consciousness
of your guilt?

Do ye suppose that
ye could be happy to
dwell with that holy Being,
when your souls are racked
with a consciousness of guilt
that ye have ever
abused his laws?

Behold, I say unto you that
ye would be more miserable
to dwell with a holy and just God,
under a consciousness of
your filthiness before him,
than ye would to dwell
with the damned souls in hell.

For behold, when ye shall
be brought to see
your nakedness before God,
and also the glory of God, and
the holiness of Jesus Christ,
it will kindle a flame
of unquenchable fire upon you.

O then ye unbelieving,
turn ye unto the Lord;
cry mightily unto the Father
in the name of Jesus,
that perhaps ye may be found
spotless, pure, fair, and white,
having been cleansed
by the blood of the Lamb,
at that great and last day.

Take the name of Christ

Behold, I speak unto you
as if ye were present,
and yet ye are not.

But behold, Jesus Christ
hath shown you unto me,
and I know your doing.

Why are ye ashamed
to take upon you
the name of Christ?

Know the true God

There are none
that do know
the true God
save it be
the disciples of Jesus.

The gospel of Christ

Repent, and be baptized
in the name of Jesus,
and lay hold upon
the gospel of Christ,
which shall be
set before you,
not only in this record
but also in the record
which shall come
unto the Gentiles
from the Jews.

And if it so be that
ye believe in Christ,
and are baptized,
first with water,
then with fire and
with the Holy Ghost,
following the example
of our Savior,
according to that which
he hath commanded us,
it shall be well with you
in the day of judgment.

Salvation through Christ

Ye must come to
the knowledge of your fathers,
and repent of all
your sins and iniquities,
and believe in Jesus Christ,
that he is the Son of God, and
that he was slain by the Jews,
and by the power of the Father
he hath risen again,
whereby he hath gained the
victory over the grave;
and also in him is
the sting of death
swallowed up.

And he bringeth to pass
the resurrection of the dead,
whereby man must be raised to
stand before his judgment-seat.

And he hath brought to pass
the redemption of the world.

All through Christ

The day soon cometh
that your mortal
must put on immortality,
and these bodies
which are now
moldering in corruption
must soon become
incorruptible bodies;
and then ye must
stand before
the judgment-seat of Christ,
to be judged
according to your works.

Christ's open arms

O ye fair ones,
how could ye
have rejected
that Jesus,
who stood
with open arms
to receive you!

Christ is our shepherd

Behold, the Spirit of the Lord
hath already ceased to
strive with their fathers;
and they are without
Christ and God
in the world;
and they are driven about
as chaff before the wind.

They were once
a delightsome people,
and they had Christ
for their shepherd.

Be persuaded

Now these things
are written and
for this intent
shall they go—
that they may
be persuaded that
Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God;
that the Father
may bring about,
through his most Beloved,
his great and eternal purpose.

Standing before Christ

And for this cause
I write unto you,
that ye may know
that ye must all
stand before the
judgment-seat of Christ,
yea, every soul
who belongs to
the whole human family
of Adam; and
ye must stand
to be judged
of your works,
whether they
be good or evil;

And also that ye may believe
the gospel of Jesus Christ,
which ye shall have among you;
and also that the Jews,
the covenant people of the Lord,
shall have other witness
besides him whom
they saw and heard,
that Jesus, whom they slew,
was the very Christ
and the very God.

And I would
that I could persuade
all ye ends of the earth
to repent and prepare
to stand before
the judgment-seat of Christ.

Righteousness in Christ

And it came to pass
that in this year
there arose a people
who were true believers
in Christ.

And it came to pass that
they who rejected the gospel
did not dwindle in unbelief,
but they did wilfully rebel
against the gospel of Christ.

And there were none
that were righteous
save it were
the disciples of Jesus.

Many churches

And it came to pass that
there were many churches
which professed to know the Christ,
and yet they did deny
the more parts of his gospel
and they did persecute
the true church of Christ,
because of their humility
and their belief in Christ;
and they did despise them
because of the many miracles
which were wrought among them.

Children of Christ

They were in one,
the children of Christ,
and heirs to
the kingdom of God.

And how blessed were they!

For the Lord did
bless them
in all their doings; yea
they had become
exceedingly rich,
because of their
prosperity in Christ.

Only in the name of Jesus

And there were great
and marvelous works
wrought by
the disciples of Jesus,
insomuch that they
did heal the sick,
and raise the dead,
and cause the lame to walk,
and the blind to receive their sight,
and the deaf to hear;
and all manner of miracles
did they work
among the children of men;
and in nothing
did they work miracles
save it were
in the name of Jesus.

And thus there were
mighty miracles
wrought among
the disciples of Jesus.

The church of Christ

The disciples of Jesus
had formed
a church of Christ
in all the lands
round about.

And as many as
did come unto them,
and did truly
repent of their sins,
were baptized
in the name of Jesus;
and they did also
receive the Holy Ghost.

Turn unto Christ

Hearken, O ye Gentiles,
and hear the words
of Jesus Christ,
the Son of the living God,
which he hath
commanded me
that I should speak
concerning you,
for, behold
he commandeth me
that I should write, saying:

Turn, all ye Gentiles,
from your wicked ways;
and repent of
your evil doings,
of your lyings
and deceivings,
and of your whoredoms,
and of your secret abominations,
and your idolatries,
and of your murders,
and your priestcrafts,
and your envyings,
and your strifes,
and from
all your wickedness
and abominations,
and come unto me,
and be baptized
in my name,
that ye may receive
a remission of your sins,
and be filled
with the Holy Ghost,
that ye may be
numbered with my people
who are of the house of Israel.

Christ still works today

Wo unto him
that spurneth at
the doings of the Lord;
yea, wo unto him
that shall
deny the Christ
and his works!

Yea, wo unto him
that shall deny
the revelations
of the Lord,
and that shall say
the Lord no longer
worketh by revelation,
or by prophecy,
or by gifts, or by tongues,
or by healings, or by
the power of the Holy Ghost!

Yea, and wo unto him
that shall say
at that day, to get gain,
that there can be no miracle
wrought by Jesus Christ;
for he that doeth this
shall become like unto
the son of perdition,
for whom there was no mercy,
according to the word of Christ!

Receive all the words of Jesus

And if ye had
all the scriptures
which give an account
of all the marvelous
works of Christ,
ye would,
according to
the words of Christ,
know that
these things
must surely come.

And wo be unto him
that will not hearken
unto the words of Jesus,
and also to them
whom he hath chosen
and sent among them;
for whoso receiveth not
the words of Jesus and
the words of those
whom he hath sent
receiveth not him;
and therefore
he will not receive them
at the last day; and it
would be better for them
if they had not been born.

Standing before Christ

All people
must surely
stand before
the judgment-seat
of Christ.

According to the word of Jesus

And it came to pass that
thus they did go forth
among all the people,
and did preach
the gospel of Christ
unto all people
upon the face of the land;
and they were converted
unto the Lord, and
were united unto
the church of Christ,
and thus the people
of that generation
were blessed, according
to the word of Jesus.

Christ commands us

And no unclean thing
can enter into his kingdom;
therefore nothing
entereth into his rest
save it be those who have
washed their garments
in my blood,
because of their faith,
and the repentance
of all their sins,
and their faithfulness
unto the end.

Now this is
the commandment:
Repent, all ye
ends of the earth,
and come unto me and
be baptized in my name,
that ye may be sanctified
by the reception
of the Holy Ghost,
that ye may stand
spotless before me
at the last day.

Verily, verily,
I say unto you,
this is my gospel;
and ye know
the things that
ye must do
in my church;
for the works which
ye have seen me do
that shall ye also do;
for that which ye
have seen me do
even that shall ye do.

what manner of men
ought ye to be?

Verily I say unto you,
even as I am.

And now, behold,
my joy is great,
even unto fulness.

The gospel of Christ

Behold I have given
unto you my gospel,
and this is the gospel which
I have given unto you—
that I came into the world
to do the will of my Father,
because my Father sent me.

And my Father sent me
that I might be lifted
up upon the cross;
and after that I had been
lifted up upon the cross,
that I might draw
all men unto me,
that as I have been
lifted up by men
even so should men
be lifted up by the Father,
to stand before me,
to be judged of their works,
whether they be good
or whether they be evil—

And for this cause
have I been lifted up;
according to the power
of the Father I will
draw all men unto me,
that they may be judged
according to their works.

And it shall come to pass,
that whoso repenteth and
is baptized in my name
shall be filled; and
if he endureth to the end,
him will I hold guiltless
before my Father
at that day when
I shall stand
to judge the world.

In Christ's Name

And it came to pass that
as the disciples of Jesus
were journeying and
were preaching the things
which they had both
heard and seen, and were
baptizing in the name of Jesus,
it came to pass that the disciples
were gathered together and were
united in mighty prayer and fasting.

And Jesus again
showed himself unto them,
for they were praying
unto the Father in his name;
and Jesus came and stood
in the midst of them,
and said unto them:
What will ye that
I shall give unto you?

And they said unto him:
Lord, we will that thou
wouldst tell us the name
whereby we shall
call this church;
for there are disputations
among the people
concerning this matter.

And the Lord said unto them:
Verily, verily, I say unto you,
why is it that the people
should murmur and dispute
because of this thing?

Have they not
read the scriptures,
which say ye must
take upon you
the name of Christ,
which is my name?

For by this name
shall ye be called
at the last day;

And whoso taketh
upon him my name,
and endureth to the end,
the same shall be
saved at the last day.

whatsoever ye shall do,
ye shall do it in my name;
ye shall call the church
in my name; and ye shall
call upon the Father
in my name
that he will
bless the church
for my sake.

And how be it my church
save it be called in my name?

For if a church be called
in Moses’ name
then it be Moses’ church;
or if it be called
in the name of a man
then it be the church of a man;
but if it be called in my name
then it is my church,
if it so be that they are
built upon my gospel.

Verily I say unto you,
that ye are built upon my gospel;
therefore ye shall call
whatsoever things ye do call,
in my name; therefore
if ye call upon the Father,
for the church,
if it be in my name
the Father will hear you;

And if it so be
that the church is
built upon my gospel
then will the Father
show forth
his own works in it.

The Church of Jesus Christ

And it came to pass that
the disciples whom
Jesus had chosen
began from
that time forth
to baptize
and to teach
as many as did
come unto them;
and as many as
were baptized
in the name of Jesus
were filled with
the Holy Ghost.

And many of them
saw and heard
unspeakable things,
which are not lawful
to be written.

And they taught,
and did minister
one to another;
and they had all things
common among them,
every man dealing justly,
one with another.

And it came to pass that
they did do all things
even as Jesus
had commanded them.

And they who
were baptized
in the name of Jesus
were called
the church of Christ.

Christ truly did minister unto them

I would that ye should behold
that the Lord truly
did teach the people,
for the space of three days;
and after that he did
show himself unto them oft,
and did break bread oft,
and bless it, and give it unto them.

And it came to pass that
he did teach and minister
unto the children of the multitude
of whom hath been spoken,
and he did loose their tongues, and
they did speak unto their fathers
great and marvelous things,
even greater than he had
revealed unto the people;
and he loosed their tongues
that they could utter.

And it came to pass that
after he had ascended into heaven—
the second time that
he showed himself unto them,
and had gone unto the Father,
after having healed all their sick,
and their lame,
and opened the eyes of their blind
and unstopped the ears of the deaf,
and even had done all manner
of cures among them,
and raised a man from the dead,
and had shown forth
his power unto them,
and had ascended unto the Father—

Behold, it came to pass
on the morrow that the multitude
gathered themselves together,
and they both saw and heard
these children; yea, even babes
did open their mouths
and utter marvelous things;
and the things which they did utter
were forbidden that there should
not any man write them.

All that He did and taught

And now there cannot
be written in this book
even a hundredth part
of the things which
Jesus did truly teach
unto the people.

Holiness in Christ

And now it came to pass
that when Jesus had
told these things
he expounded them
unto the multitude;
and he did expound
all things unto them,
both great and small.

And he did expound
all things, even
from the beginning
until the time that
he should come
in his glory—
yea, even all things
which should
come upon
the face of the earth
even unto
the great and last day,
when all people,
and all kindreds,
and all nations
and tongues
shall stand
before God,
to be judged
of their works,
whether they
be good
or whether
they be evil—

If they be good,
to the resurrection
of everlasting life;
and if they be evil,
to the resurrection
of damnation;
being on a parallel,
the one on
the one hand
and the other
on the other hand,
according to
the mercy,
and the justice,
and the holiness
which is in Christ,
who was before
the world began.

All the scriptures in one

When Jesus had
said these words
he said unto them:

Behold, other scriptures
I would that
ye should write,
that ye have not.

And now it came to pass
that when Jesus had
expounded all
the scriptures in one,
which they had written,
he commanded them
that they should
teach the things which
he had expounded unto them.

Come unto Him

It shall come to pass,
saith the Father,
that at that day
will not repent
and come unto
my Beloved Son,
them will I cut off
from among my people.

Believe His words

It shall come to pass
that whosoever
will not believe
in my words,
who am Jesus Christ
shall be cut off
from among my people
who are of the covenant.

Joy in Christ

And it shall come to pass
that the time cometh,
when the fulness
of my gospel
shall be preached
unto them;
And they shall
believe in me,
that I am
Jesus Christ,
the Son of God,
and shall pray
unto the Father
in my name.

Then shall they
break forth into joy.

Glory to Jesus

And it came to pass that
he brake bread again
and blessed it, and
gave to the disciples to eat.

And when they had eaten
he commanded them that
they should break bread,
and give unto the multitude.

And when they had
given unto the multitude
he also gave them
wine to drink, and
commanded them that
they should give
unto the multitude.

And he said unto them:
He that eateth this bread
eateth of my body to his soul;
and he that drinketh of this wine
drinketh of my blood to his soul;
and his soul shall
never hunger nor thirst,
but shall be filled.

Now, when the multitude
had all eaten and drunk,
behold, they were
filled with the Spirit;
and they did cry out
with one voice,
and gave glory to Jesus,
whom they both
saw and heard.

Such great things

And it came to pass
that he went again
a little way off
and prayed
unto the Father;

And tongue
cannot speak
the words
which he prayed,
neither can
be written by man
the words
which he prayed.

And the multitude
did hear and
do bear record;
and their hearts
were open and they
did understand
in their hearts
the words
which he prayed.

so great and marvelous
were the words
which he prayed that
they cannot be written,
neither can they
be uttered by man.

And it came to pass
that when Jesus had
made an end of praying
he came again
to the disciples,
and said unto them:

So great faith
have I never seen
among all the Jews;
wherefore I could not
show unto them
so great miracles,
because of their unbelief.

Verily I say unto you,
there are none of them
that have seen
so great things
as ye have seen;
neither have they heard
so great things
as ye have heard.

Purified in Christ

And he turned
from them again, and
went a little way off
and bowed himself
to the earth; and
he prayed again
unto the Father, saying:

Father, I thank thee
that thou hast
purified those whom
I have chosen,
because of their faith,
and I pray for them,
and also for them
who shall believe
on their words,
that they may be
purified in me,
through faith
on their words,
even as they are
purified in me.

Father, I pray
not for the world,
but for those whom
thou hast given me
out of the world,
because of their faith,
that they may be
purified in me,
that I may be in them
as thou, Father,
art in me,
that we may be one,
that I may be
glorified in them.

And when Jesus had
spoken these words
he came again
unto his disciples;
and behold they did
pray steadfastly,
without ceasing,
unto him; and
he did smile
upon them again;
and behold
they were white,
even as Jesus.

His countenance did shine

And it came to pass
that when Jesus
had thus prayed
unto the Father,
he came unto
his disciples,
and behold, they
did still continue,
without ceasing,
to pray unto him;
and they did
not multiply
many words, for
it was given unto them
what they should pray,
and they were
filled with desire.

And it came to pass
that Jesus blessed them
as they did pray unto him;
and his countenance
did smile upon them,
and the light of
his countenance did
shine upon them,
and behold they
were as white as
the countenance and also
the garments of Jesus;
and behold
the whiteness thereof
did exceed all
the whiteness,
yea, even there could be
nothing upon earth
so white as
the whiteness thereof.

And Jesus said
unto them: Pray on;
nevertheless they
did not cease to pray.

They believed in Christ

And it came to pass
that Jesus departed
out of the midst of them,
and went a little way
off from them and
bowed himself
to the earth,
and he said:

Father, I thank thee
that thou hast given
the Holy Ghost
unto these whom
I have chosen; and
it is because of
their belief in me
that I have chosen
them out of the world.

Father, I pray thee
that thou wilt
give the Holy Ghost
unto all them
that shall believe
in their words.

Father, thou hast
given them
the Holy Ghost
because they
believe in me;
and thou seest
that they believe
in me because
thou hearest them,
and they pray unto me;
and they pray unto me
because I am with them.

And now Father,
I pray unto thee for them,
and also for all those
who shall believe
on their words,
that they may
believe in me,
that I may be in them
as thou, Father, art in me,
that we may be one.

Our Lord God

And it came to pass
that while the angels
were ministering
unto the disciples,
behold, Jesus came
and stood in the midst
and ministered unto them.

And it came to pass
that he spake
unto the multitude,
and commanded them
that they should
kneel down again
upon the earth,
and also that
his disciples should
kneel down
upon the earth.

And it came to pass
that when they had
all knelt down
upon the earth,
he commanded
his disciples that
they should pray.

And behold,
they began to pray;
and they did
pray unto Jesus,
calling him
their Lord and
their God.

In the name of Jesus

And the twelve
did teach
the multitude;
and behold,
they did cause that
the multitude should
kneel down upon
the face of the earth,
and should pray
unto the Father
in the name of Jesus.

And the disciples did
pray unto the Father
also in the name of Jesus.

And it came to pass
that they arose and
ministered unto the people.

And when they had
ministered those same words
which Jesus had spoken—
nothing varying from
the words which
Jesus had spoken—
behold, they knelt again
and prayed to the Father
in the name of Jesus.

Coming to Christ

And now it came to pass
that when Jesus had
ascended into heaven,
the multitude did disperse,
and every man did take
his wife and his children
and did return to his own home.

And it was noised abroad
among the people immediately,
before it was yet dark, that
the multitude had seen Jesus,
and that he had
ministered unto them,
and that he would also
show himself on the morrow
unto the multitude.

Yea, and even all the night
it was noised abroad
concerning Jesus;
and insomuch did they
send forth unto the people
that there were many, yea,
an exceedingly great number,
did labor exceedingly all that night,
that they might be
on the morrow
in the place where Jesus
should show himself
unto the multitude.

Authority from Christ

When Jesus had
made an end
of these sayings,
he touched
with his hand
the Disciples
whom he had chosen,
one by one,
even until he had
touched them all,
and spake unto them
as he touched them.

And the Disciples
bare record that
he gave them power
to give the Holy Ghost.

And I will show
unto you hereafter
that this record is true.

Jesus is the Light

When Jesus had
spoken these words
unto his Disciples,
he turned again
unto the multitude
and said unto them
hold up your light
that it may shine
unto the world.

Behold I am the light
which ye shall hold up—
that which ye
have seen me do.

Behold ye see
that I have prayed
unto the Father,
and ye all
have witnessed.

And ye see
that I have
commanded that
none of you
should go away,
but rather have
commanded that
ye should
come unto me,
that ye might
feel and see;
even so shall ye
do unto the world.

That ye may have His spirit

And it came to pass that
he commanded his Disciples
that they should take
of the wine of the cup
and drink of it, and
that they should also
give unto the multitude
that they might drink of it.

And it came to pass
that they did so, and
did drink of it
and were filled;
and they gave
unto the multitude,
and they did drink,
and they were filled.

And when the Disciples
had done this,
Jesus said unto them:

Blessed are ye
for this thing
which ye have done,
for this is fulfilling
my commandments,
and this doth
witness unto the Father
that ye are willing to
do that which
I have commanded you.

And this shall ye
always do to those
who repent and
are baptized
in my name;
and ye shall do it
in remembrance
of my blood, which
I have shed for you,
that ye may witness
unto the Father that
ye do always remember me.

And if ye do always
remember me
ye shall have
my Spirit to be with you.

And I give unto you
a commandment that
ye shall do these things.

And if ye shall
always do these things
blessed are ye, for
ye are built upon my rock.

Always remember Him

And when the Disciples
had come with
bread and wine,
he took of the bread
and brake and blessed it;
and he gave unto
the Disciples and
commanded that
they should eat.

And when they
had eaten and
were filled, he
commanded that
they should
give unto
the multitude.

And when
the multitude
had eaten
and were filled,
he said unto
the Disciples:

Behold there shall one
be ordained among you,
and to him will I
give power that
he shall break bread
and bless it and give it
unto the people
of my church,
unto all those
who shall believe
and be baptized
in my name.

And this shall ye
always observe to do,
even as I have done,
even as I have
broken bread
and blessed it
and given it unto you.

And this shall ye do
in remembrance
of my body,
which I have
shown unto you.

And it shall be
a testimony
unto the Father
that ye do
always remember me.

And if ye do
always remember me
ye shall have
my Spirit to be with you.

His joy is full

And it came to pass
that when Jesus had
made an end of
praying unto the Father,
he arose; but
so great was the joy
of the multitude
that they were overcome.

And it came to pass that
Jesus spake unto them,
and bade them arise.

And they arose
from the earth,
and he said unto them:
Blessed are ye
because of your faith.

And now behold,
my joy is full.

And when he had
said these words,
he wept,
and the multitude
bare record of it,
and he took their
little children,
one by one,
and blessed them,
and prayed
unto the Father
for them.

And when he had
done this
he wept again;

And he spake
unto the multitude,
and said unto them:
Behold your little ones.

And as they
looked to behold
they cast their eyes
towards heaven,
and they saw
the heavens open,
and they saw
angels descending
out of heaven as it were
in the midst of fire;
and they came down
and encircled
those little ones about,
and they were
encircled about with fire;
and the angels
did minister unto them.

And the multitude
did see and hear
and bear record;
and they know that
their record is true
for they all of them
did see and hear,
every man for himself;
and they were in number
about two thousand
and five hundred souls;
and they did consist of
men, women, and children.

Great and marvelous things

And it came to pass
that he commanded
that their little children
should be brought.

So they brought
their little children
and set them down
upon the ground
round about him,
and Jesus stood
in the midst;
and the multitude
gave way till they had
all been brought unto him.

And it came to pass
that when they had
all been brought,
and Jesus stood
in the midst,
he commanded
the multitude that
they should kneel down
upon the ground.

And it came to pass
that when they had
knelt upon the ground,
Jesus groaned
within himself, and said:

Father, I am troubled
because of the wickedness
of the people of
the house of Israel.

And when he had
said these words,
he himself also knelt
upon the earth;
and behold he prayed
unto the Father,
and the things
which he prayed
cannot be written,
and the multitude
did bear record
who heard him.

And after this manner
do they bear record:

The eye hath never seen,
neither hath
the ear heard, before,
so great and
marvelous things
as we saw and heard
Jesus speak
unto the Father;

And no tongue can speak,
neither can there be
written by any man,
neither can the hearts of men
conceive so great
and marvelous things
as we both saw
and heard Jesus speak;
and no one can conceive
of the joy which
filled our souls at the time
we heard him pray for us
unto the Father.

The compasion of Christ

Behold, now
it came to pass
that when Jesus
had spoken these words
he looked round about
again on the multitude,
and he said unto them:
Behold, my time is at hand.

I perceive that ye are weak,
that ye cannot understand
all my words which I am
commanded of the Father
to speak unto you
at this time.

And it came to pass
that when Jesus
had thus spoken,
he cast his eyes
round about again
on the multitude,
and beheld
they were in tears,
and did look steadfastly
upon him as if
they would ask him to
tarry a little longer with them.

And he said unto them:
Behold, my bowels are
filled with compassion
towards you.

Have ye any that
are sick among you?

Bring them hither.

Have ye any that
are lame, or blind,
or halt, or maimed,
or leprous, or that
are withered,
or that are deaf,
or that are afflicted
in any manner?

Bring them hither
and I will heal them, for
I have compassion upon you;
my bowels are filled with mercy.

For I perceive
that ye desire that
I should show unto you
what I have done
unto your brethren
at Jerusalem,
for I see that
your faith is sufficient
that I should heal you.

And it came to pass that
when he had thus spoken,
all the multitude,
with one accord,
did go forth with
their sick and their afflicted,
and their lame,
and with their blind,
and with their dumb,
and with all them that were
afflicted in any manner;
and he did heal them every one
as they were brought forth unto him.

And they did all,
both they who had been healed
and they who were whole,
bow down at his feet,
and did worship him;
and as many as could
come for the multitude
did kiss his feet,
insomuch that they did
bathe his feet
with their tears.

Christ is the law

And it came to pass
that when Jesus
had said these words
he perceived that there
were some among them
who marveled
for they understood not
the saying that old things
had passed away, and that
all things had become new.

And he said unto them:
Marvel not that
I said unto you
that old things
had passed away,
and that all things
had become new.

Behold, I say unto you
that the law is fulfilled
that was given unto Moses.

Behold, I am he
that gave the law,
and I am he
who covenanted
with my people Israel;
therefore, the law
in me is fulfilled.

Behold, I am
the law, and the light.

Look unto me,
and endure to the end,
and ye shall live;
for unto him that
endureth to the end
will I give eternal life.

Behold, I have given unto you
the commandments; therefore
keep my commandments.

And this is the law
and the prophets,
for they truly testified of me.

Even as Christ

I would
that ye should
be perfect
even as I,
or your Father
who is in heaven
is perfect.

Believe in Him

I have given you
the law and
the commandments
of my Father,
that ye shall
believe in me,
and that ye shall
repent of your sins,
and come unto me
with a broken heart
and a contrite spirit.

ye have
the commandments
before you.

The doctrine of Christ

verily, verily,
I say unto you,
I will declare
unto you
my doctrine.

And this is
my doctrine,
and it is
the doctrine
which the Father
hath given unto me;
and I bear record
of the Father,
and the Father
beareth record of me,
and the Holy Ghost
beareth record
of the Father and me;
and I bear record
that the Father
all men, everywhere,
to repent and
believe in me.

And whoso
believeth in me,
and is baptized,
the same
shall be saved;
and they are they
who shall inherit
the kingdom of God.

And whoso
believeth not in me,
and is not baptized,
shall be damned.

Verily, verily,
I say unto you,
that this is
my doctrine,
and I bear record
of it from the Father.

And again
I say unto you,
ye must repent,
and become
as a little child,
and be baptized
in my name,
or ye can in nowise
receive these things.

And again
I say unto you,
ye must repent,
and be baptized
in my name,
and become
as a little child,
or ye can in nowise
inherit the kingdom of God.

Verily, verily,
I say unto you,
that this is
my doctrine,
and whoso
buildeth upon this
buildeth upon my rock,
and the gates of hell
shall not prevail
against them.

And whoso
shall declare more
or less than this,
and establish it
for my doctrine,
the same cometh of evil,
and is not built
upon my rock;
but he buildeth
upon a sandy foundation,
and the gates of hell
stand open
to receive such
when the floods come
and the winds
beat upon them.

go forth unto this people,
and declare the words
which I have spoken,
unto the ends of the earth.

Whoso believeth in Christ

verily I say unto you,
that the Father,
and the Son,
and the Holy Ghost
are one;
and I am in the Father,
and the Father in me,
and the Father
and I
are one.

And whoso
believeth in me
believeth in
the Father also;
and unto him
will the Father
bear record of me,
for he will visit him
with fire and
with the Holy Ghost.

And thus
will the Father
bear record of me,
and the Holy Ghost
will bear record
unto him of
the Father and me;
for the Father,
and I,
and the Holy Ghost
are one.

Baptize in my name

Verily I say unto you,
that whoso
repenteth of his sins
through your words,
and desireth to be
baptized in my name,
on this wise
shall ye baptize them—
Behold, ye shall go down
and stand in the water,
and in my name
shall ye baptize them.

And now behold,
these are the words
which ye shall say,
calling them by name,

Having authority
given me of Jesus Christ,
I baptize you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.

And then shall ye
immerse them
in the water,
and come forth again
out of the water.

And after this manner
shall ye baptize in my name.

That ye may know

And it came to pass
that the Lord spake
unto them saying:

Arise and come forth unto me,
that ye may thrust
your hands into my side,
and also that ye may feel
the prints of the nails
in my hands and in my feet,
that ye may know that
I am the God of Israel,
and the God of the whole earth,
and have been slain
for the sins of the world.

And it came to pass
that the multitude went forth,
and thrust their hands
into his side, and did feel
the prints of the nails
in his hands and in his feet;
and this they did do,
going forth one by one
until they had all gone forth,
and did see with their eyes
and did feel with their hands,
and did know of a surety
and did bear record,
that it was he, of whom it was
written by the prophets,
that should come.

And when they had all gone forth
and had witnessed for themselves,
they did cry out with one accord,
saying: Hosanna!

Blessed be the name
of the Most High God!

And they did fall down
at the feet of Jesus,
and did worship him.

Behold, I am Jesus Christ

And it came to pass,
as they understood
they cast their eyes up
again towards heaven;
and behold, they saw a Man
descending out of heaven;
and he was clothed
in a white robe;
and he came down and
stood in the midst of them;
and the eyes of the
whole multitude were
turned upon him,
and they durst not
open their mouths,
even one to another,
and wist not what it meant,
for they thought it was
an angel that had
appeared unto them.

And it came to pass
that he stretched forth
his hand and spake
unto the people, saying:

Behold, I am Jesus Christ,
whom the prophets
testified shall
come into the world.

And behold,
I am the light
and the life
of the world;
and I have drunk
out of that bitter cup
which the Father
hath given me,
and have
glorified the Father
in taking upon me
the sins of the world,
in the which
I have suffered
the will of the Father
in all things from the beginning.

And it came to pass
that when Jesus had
spoken these words
the whole multitude
fell to the earth;
for they remembered
that it had been
prophesied among them
that Christ should
show himself unto them
after his ascension into heaven.