Behold the Lamb of God

And I beheld
the city of Nazareth; and
in the city of Nazareth
I beheld a virgin, and
she was exceedingly
fair and white.

And it came to pass that
I saw the heavens open;
and an angel came down
and stood before me;
and he said unto me
what beholdest thou?

And I said unto him:
A virgin, most beautiful
and fair above all
other virgins.

And he said unto me:
Knowest thou
the condescension of God?

And I said unto him:
I know that he
loveth his children;
I do not know
the meaning of all things.

And he said unto me:
Behold, the virgin
whom thou seest
is the mother of
the Son of God,
after the manner
of the flesh.

And it came to pass
that I beheld that she was
carried away in the Spirit;
and after she had been
carried away in the Spirit
for the space of a time
the angel spake unto me,
saying: Look!

And I looked and
beheld the virgin again,
bearing a child in her arms.

And the angel said unto me:
Behold the Lamb of God,
yea, even the Son
of the Eternal Father!