Saved through faith in Christ

God knowing all things,
being from everlasting to everlasting,
behold, he sent angels
to minister unto the children of men,
to make manifest concerning
the coming of Christ;
and in Christ there should
come every good thing.

And God also
declared unto prophets,
by his own mouth,
that Christ should come.

And behold,
there were divers ways that
he did manifest things
unto the children of men,
which were good;
and all things which are good
cometh of Christ;
otherwise men were fallen,
and there could no good thing
come unto them.

by the ministering of angels,
and by every word which
proceeded forth
out of the mouth of God,
men began to exercise faith in Christ;
and thus by faith, they did
lay hold upon every good thing;
and thus it was until the coming of Christ.

And after that he came
men also were saved
by faith in his name