Jesus is Our Redeemer and Savior

And the way is prepared
from the fall of man,
and salvation is free.

Wherefore, redemption cometh
in and through the Holy Messiah;
for he is full of grace and truth.

he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin,
to answer the ends of the law,
unto all those
who have a broken heart
and a contrite spirit;
and unto none else can
the ends of the law be answered.

how great the importance to
make these things known
unto the inhabitants of the earth,
that they may know that
there is no flesh that can
dwell in the presence of God,
save it be through the merits, and
mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah,
who layeth down his life
according to the flesh,
and taketh it again
by the power of the Spirit,
that he may bring to pass
the resurrection of the dead,
being the first that should rise.

he is the firstfruits unto God,
inasmuch as he shall make
intercession for all the children of men;
and they that believe in him shall be saved.

And because of the intercession for all,
all men come unto God;
wherefore, they stand in the presence of him,
to be judged of him according to
the truth and holiness which is in him.