By The Gift Of The Lamb

Behold, saith the Lamb:
I will manifest myself unto thy seed,
that they shall write many things
which I shall minister unto them,
which shall be plain and precious;
and after thy seed shall be destroyed,
and dwindle in unbelief,
and also the seed of thy brethren,
behold, these things shall be hid up,
to come forth unto the Gentiles,
by the gift and power of the Lamb.

And in them shall be written
my gospel, saith the Lamb,
and my rock and my salvation.

And blessed are they who shall
seek to bring forth my Zion at that day,
for they shall have the gift
and the power of the Holy Ghost;
and if they endure unto the end
they shall be lifted up at the last day,
and shall be saved
in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb;
and whoso shall publish peace,
yea, tidings of great joy,
how beautiful upon the mountains
shall they be.
(1 Nephi 13:35-37)