Faith In Christ Heals Us

And it came to pass that
Alma said unto him,
taking him by the hand:
Believest thou in
the power of Christ unto salvation?

And he answered and said:
Yea, I believe all the words
that thou hast taught.

And Alma said: If thou believest
in the redemption of Christ
thou canst be healed.

And he said: Yea,
I believe according to thy words.

And then Alma cried unto the Lord,
saying: O Lord our God,
have mercy on this man,
and heal him according to
his faith which is in Christ.

And when Alma had said these words,
Zeezrom leaped upon his feet,
and began to walk; and this was done
to the great astonishment of all the people;
and the knowledge of this
went forth throughout all the land.
(Alma 15:6-11)