Standing Firm For Christ

And I said unto him:
Deniest thou the Christ who shall come?

And he said: If there should be a Christ,
I would not deny him; but I know
that there is no Christ,
neither has been, nor ever will be.

And I said unto him:
Believest thou the scriptures?

And he said, Yea.

And I said unto him:
Then ye do not understand them;
for they truly testify of Christ.

Behold, I say unto you that
none of the prophets have written,
nor prophesied, save they have
spoken concerning this Christ.

And this is not all—
it has been made manifest unto me,
for I have heard and seen;
and it also has been made manifest
unto me by the power of the Holy Ghost;
wherefore, I know
if there should be no atonement made
all mankind must be lost.