The Savior's Loving Kindness

Behold he cometh,
according to the words of the angel,
and the world, because of their iniquity,
shall judge him to be a thing of naught;
wherefore they scourge him,
and he suffereth it;
and they smite him,
and he suffereth it.

Yea, they spit upon him,
and he suffereth it,
because of his loving kindness
and his long-suffering
towards the children of men.

And the God of our fathers, yea,
the God of Abraham, and of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob, yieldeth himself,
according to the words of the angel,
as a man, into the hands of wicked men,
to be lifted up, and to be crucified,
and to be buried in a sepulchre,
according to the words of Zenos,
which he spake concerning
the three days of darkness,
which should be a sign given of his death
unto those who should
inhabit the isles of the sea.