Receive Jesus Christ

Wherefore, do the things
which I have told you
I have seen that your Lord
and your Redeemer should do;
for, for this cause
have they been shown unto me,
that ye might know the gate
by which ye should enter.

For the gate by which ye should enter
is repentance and baptism by water;
and then cometh a remission of your sins
by fire and by the Holy Ghost.

And then are ye in
this strait and narrow path
which leads to eternal life;
yea, ye have entered in by the gate;
ye have done according
to the commandments of
the Father and the Son;
and ye have received the Holy Ghost,
which witnesses of the Father and the Son,
unto the fulfilling of the promise
which he hath made,
that if ye entered in by the way
ye should receive.